Peer Review Publications

The documents distributed here have been provided as a means to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work on a noncommercial basis. Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the authors or by other copyright holders, notwithstanding that they have offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. These works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

*Denotes shared authorship

Voelkel, J.G., Stagnaro, M.N.,… Moore-Berg, S.L. …, Rand, D.G., & Willer, R. (in press). Megastudy testing 25 treatments to reduce antidemocratic attitudes and partisan animosity. Science, 386, eadh4764.

Moore-Berg, S.L. & Hameiri, B. (2024). Improving intergroup relations with meta-perceptions correction interventions. Trends in Cognitive Science, 28(3), 190-192.

Hameiri, B., Moore-Berg, S.L., Guillard, C., Falk. E., & Bruneau, E.G. (2024). The search for significance leads to political violence only when it is coupled with a sense of victimhood. Psychology of Violence.

Gallardo, R., Moore-Berg, S.L., & Hameiri, B. (2023). Exploring Different Psychological Processes in a Media Intervention That Reduces Dehumanization Towards Muslims. Political Psychology, 45(1), 43-68.

Moore-Berg, S.L., Hameiri, B., Falk, E., & Bruneau, E.G. (2023). Reducing Islamophobia: An assessment of psychological mechanisms that underlie successful anti-Islamophobia media interventions. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 26(3), 555-578.

Pasek, M.H., Ankori-Karlinsky, L. Levy-Vene, A., & Moore-Berg, S.L. (2022). Biased Meta-Perceptions about Out-Partisans’ Support for Democratic Characteristics May Erode Democratic Norms. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1684.

Fourie, M.M. & Moore-Berg, S.L. (2022). We cannot empathize with what we cannot recognize: Perceptions of structural versus interpersonal racism. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 838675. 

Moore-Berg, S.L., Hameiri, B., & Taylor, L.K. (2022). Putting Science to Work for Peace: A Special Issue in Honor of Emile Bruneau. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 28(3), 269–273.

Hameiri, B.* & Moore-Berg, S.L.* [co-first authors] (2022). Intervention Tournaments: An Overview of Concept, Design, and Implementation. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 17(6), 1525-1540.

Fourie, M.M., Deist, M., & Moore-Berg, S.L. (2022). Hierarchies of being human: Intergroup dehumanization and its implication in post-apartheid South Africa. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 28(3), 345-360.

Moore-Berg, S.L., Bernstein, K.,* Gallardo, R.,* Hameiri, B.,* Littman, R.,* O’Neil, S.,* & Pasek, M.H.,* (2022). Translating science for peace: Benefits, challenges, and recommendations for conducting translational research. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 28(3), 274-283.

Andrews, M., Mattan, B.D., Richards, K., Moore-Berg, S.L., Falk, E. (2022). Using Narrative Messages to Promote Prosocial Beliefs and Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Social Science and Medicine, 299, 114870. 

Moore-Berg, S.L. & Karpinski, A. (2021). Race and Social Class as Intersecting Social Categories: An analysis of implicit and explicit attitudes. Social Psychology, 52(4), 227–237. 

Gallardo, R., Hameiri, B., Moore-Berg, S.L., & Bruneau, E.G. (2021). The Collective Praise Intervention: A brief intervention highlighting prosocial behavior reduces hostility towards Muslims. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 25(7), 1696-1717. 

Moore-Berg, S.L., Hameiri, B., & Bruneau, E.G. (2021). Empathy, dehumanization, and misperceptions: A media intervention humanizes migrants and increases empathy for their plight, but only if misinformation about migrants is also corrected. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(2), 645-655.

Moore-Berg, S.L., Parelman, J.M., Lelkes, Y., & Falk, E. (2020). Neural polarization and routes to depolarization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(46), 28552-28554.

Bruneau, E., Hameiri, B., Moore-Berg, S.L., & Kteily, N. (2020). Intergroup contact reduces dehumanization and meta-dehumanization: Cross-sectional, longitudinal and experimental evidence from 17 samples in 5 countries. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(6), 906-920.

Moore-Berg, S.L., Ankori-Karlinsky, L., Hameiri, B., & Bruneau, E.G. (2020). Exaggerated meta-perceptions predict intergroup hostility between American political partisans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 17(26), 14864-14872. (OSF)

Moore-Berg, S.L., Hameiri, B., & Bruneau, E.G. (2020). The Prime Psychological Suspects of Toxic Political Polarization. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 34, 199-204.

Piccirillo, M.L., Burke, T.A., Moore-Berg, S.L., Heimberg, R.G., & Alloy, L.B. (2020). Self-stigma towards non-suicidal self-injury: An examination of implicit and explicit attitudes. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, , 50(5), 1007-1024.

Moore-Berg, S.L., Briggs, J.C., & Karpinski, A. (2019). Predicting incidental and focal food consumption behaviors. British Food Journal, 121(7), 1508-1520. (OSF)

Moore-Berg, S.L. & Karpinski, A. (2018). An intersectional approach to understanding how race and social class affect intergroup processes. Social Psychology and Personality Compass, 13(1), e12426.

 Burke, T.A., Piccirillo, M.L., Moore-Berg, S.L., Heimberg, R.G., & Alloy, L.B. (2018). The stigmatization of non-suicidal self-injury. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 75(3), 481-498. 

O’Donnell, M., Nelson, L.D. ... Moore-Berg, S. ... Zheng, R., Zrubka, M. (2018). Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis & van Knippenberg (1998). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 268-294.

Moore-Berg, S., Karpinski, A., & Plant, E.A. (2017). Quick to the Draw: How suspect race and socioeconomic status influences shooting decisions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47(9), 482–491.

Keutmann, M.K., Moore, S.L., Savitt, A., & Gur, R.C. (2015). Generating an item pool for translational social cognition research: Methodology and initial validation. Behavior Research Methods, 47(1), 228-234. https://doi:10.3758/s13428-014-0464-0

Book Chapter

Moore-Berg, S.L. (2023). The power of correcting meta-perceptions for improving intergroup relationships. In E. Halperin, B. Hameiri, & R. Littman (Eds.) Psychological Intergroup Interventions: Where We Are and Where We Go from Here. Routledge. 

Manuscripts Under Review

Nguyen, C., Moore-Berg, S.L., & Hameiri, B. (in revision). Competitive victimhood leads to greater political polarization through dehumanization and prejudice. 

Pasek, M.H., Moore-Berg, S.L. [shared first author], Landry, A.P., Kteily, N.S., & Littman, R. (under review). A video intervention correcting partisans’ inaccurate meta-perceptions reduces toxic polarization.

Hebel-Sela, S., Hameiri, B., Tropp, L. R., Moore-Berg, S.L., Halperin, E., Saxe, R., & Bruneau, E. (under review). Building virtual bridges: A large scale field experiment demonstrating the improvement of intergroup relations though online computer mediated contact among Americans and Muslims. 

Ankori-Karlinsky, L., Blair, R., Gottleib, J., & Moore-Berg, S.L. (under review). Content that’s as good as contact? Vicarious intergroup contact and the promise of depolarization at scale. 

Articles for a Popular Audience

Moore-Berg, S.L. (2022, June 29). How We Are Wrong About Undocumented Immigrants.

Moore-Berg, S.L. (2022, June 7). Narrative: Barrier and Bridge in Immigration Reform. The Center for Growth and Opportunity.

Gallardo, R., Hameiri, B., Moore-Berg, S.L., & Bruneau, E.G. (2021, September 9). The Collective Praise Intervention: A brief intervention highlighting prosocial behavior reduces hostility towards Muslims. The Forward Newsletter: The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.

Pasek, M. & Moore-Berg, S.L. (2020, November 23). The Divide Between Political Parties Feels Big. Fortunately, It's Smaller than We Think. Behavioral Scientist.

Beyond Conflict. (2020, June). America’s Divided Mind: Understanding the Psychology that Drives Us Apart. Beyond Conflict.

© Copyright 2024, Samantha L.Moore-Berg